
🔰 Fees

💯 Fees

We currently offer a reduced fee structure for both marketplace and Launchpad.
Since we are all about the community and fair trading experience we will offer a full refund of all fees in the very near future.
How are we planning to achieve this?
We will calculate all fees paid accordingly and airdrop the same monetary value in UNICK tokens. Details to follow.

👜 Marketplace Fees

Currently 0.49% of NFT value.

🎬 Launchpad Fees

All NFTs minted via launchpad are fee free for all users (gas charges still apply).
Creators will be presented with 7.5% fee for every minted NFT.

💰 Royalties

There has been a lot of discussions about royalties within NFT markets recently. We have decided to apply normalize royalties structure and will respect full royalties value set by the creators.